N.E. Samoilenko1, N.V. Tsipina2, Y.A. Bolychev3, D.R. Voronin4, K.D. Tsipina5
1-5 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)
1 ju.i@mail.ru; 2 tcnv@mail.ru; 3 djyaroslav00@gmail.com; 4 brk191frte6@gmail.com; 5 ksutsipina@mail.ru
Problem formulation. When solving the problem of excessive heat generation, which occurs when operating radio-electronic devices with a high density of electronic components and increased power, it is necessary to use cooling. Otherwise, this problem can lead to overheating of the electronics, which in turn can cause malfunctions of the devices or even their failure.
Purpose. Development of a technique that will improve the cooling process of radioelectronic devices due to op-thymization of the parameters of liquid cooling plates.
Results. A mathematical statement was formed, a modeling technique was proposed and procedures for optimizing liquid cooling plates were performed. Based on the developed 3D model of the liquid cooling plate, multivariate analysis procedures have been implemented using modern automated design tools. The liquid cooling system was optimized using modern modeling software, in particular the Solidworks Simulation program.
Practical significance. The presented simulation results can be used in designing and creating cooling systems for various devices and devices.
Samoilenko N.E., Tsipina N.V., Bolychev Y.A., Voronin D.R., Tsipina K.D. Methodology for modeling and optimizing liquid cooling plates in the design of electronic equipment. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 7. P. 73−77. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202407-15 (In Russian)
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