A.A. Pirogov1, E.V. Turetskaya2, R.M. Akishkin3
1-3 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)
1 pirogov.alx@gmail.com; 2 tav7@mail.ru; 3 clashofclans22885@gmail.com
Problem statement. A digital filter refers to a hardware or software implementation of a mathematical algorithm that converts a digital signal in a certain way. The classification of digital filters is usually based on the functional characteristics of digital filtering algorithms. Digital filters may have parameters that cannot be implemented in analog filters, do not require periodic monitoring and calibration, and one filter can process several input channels or signals, while the accuracy is limited only by the bit depth used. The implementation of digital signal processing units using programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGAs) will significantly simplify hardware costs and make the most effective use of these digital filter capabilities.
Goal. Conducting research in the field of digital signal processing in order to obtain fundamentally new software and hardware architectures, developing an RTL model of a complex functional block (SF block) of a digital signal processing system, its verification both at the logical and physical level.
Results. In the course of the scientific research, a software and hardware model of the filter was developed to adjust the parameters during operation, taking into account their architectural advantages and disadvantages. In order to verify and confirm the adequacy of the methodology developed in the course of the study, an SF model was created-a digital signal processing unit. This model has been implemented and physically verified on the basis of a debugging board using FPGAs.
Practical significance. The technique presented in this paper will allow the development of software and hardware devices for digital signal processing, with the possibility of their configuration at the software level for the required set of processing parameters, which in turn will significantly save resources spent on development.
Pirogov A.A., Tureckaya E.V., Akishkin R.M. Development and research of filter models communication and control systems configured for the required set of parameters. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 7. P. 55−59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202407-11 (In Russian)
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