I.I. Stolyarov1
1 OJSC North-West Regional Centre of Concern VKO «Almaz-Antey» – Obukhov Plant (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1 i.stolyarov@goz.ru
Problem statement. The processes of aging and degradation caused by the influence of environmental conditions, leading to changes in the functional parameters of radio-electronic systems, negatively affect the output characteristics and reduce the period of operation. The currently existing model of changes in radio-electronic system parameters, used for individual forecasting by extrapolation, includes only one random component representing various types of noise. At the same time, practical studies shows that the maximum amplitudes of different types of noise change at different rates. Therefore, for a more complete representation of the process of electromagnetic parameter changes over time, it is necessary to develop a model that takes into account this effect. The article discusses this problem using the example of the linear stabilizer output voltage.
Goal. The main goal of the research presented in this article is to develop a model of functional parameter degradation that takes into account changes in maximum amplitudes of various types of noise in order to increase the accuracy of individual forecasting and the potential period of the device operation.
Results. A generalized model of the electromagnetic parameter changes of the radio-electronic systems with two nonstationary random components characterizing various types of noise is presented. A software implementation of the presented model successfully verified on experimental data.
Practical significance. The extended model of the functional parameter changes in radio-electronic systems can be used both in individual forecasting by extrapolation, and in the development of systems with a long period of operation, as well as devices intended for autonomous use. The prospects of using the presented model to simulate changes in functional parameters and determine the possibilities of compensating these changes are shown on the example of a frequency synthesizer with an automatic output power control system.
Stolyarov I.I. Dynamic model of the functional parameter degradation changes in radio-electronic systems with two non-stationary random components corresponding to two types of noise. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 6. P. 89−99. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202406-12 (In Russian)
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