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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Study of the reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a layer of chiral metamaterial located on a conducting plane, taking into account the inhomogeneity and dispersion of material parameters
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202406-07
UDC: 537.86

Ya.M. Kuznetsov1, D.N. Panin2, Osipov O.V.3

1 JSC “SIB RS” (Samara, Russia)

2,3 PSUTI (Samara, Russia)

1 kym@siprs.ru; 2 pdntec@mail.ru; 3 o.osipov@psuti.ru


To reduce the radar signature of moving objects, such as cars, boats, manned and unmanned aircraft systems, technologies for creating broadband radio-absorbing materials are being actively developed and improved. Among such materials are composites and chiral metamaterials, which have unique characteristics that make it possible to effectively control the reflection and rotation of the plane of polarization of electromagnetic waves.

In addition, devices included in the structure of infocommunication systems are subject to electromagnetic radiation, which can cause undesirable effects and interference. Radio-absorbing coatings based on metamaterials can significantly reduce the reflection of electromagnetic waves and effectively counteract the effects of electromagnetic radiation.

The purpose of this study is to solve the scientific and technical problem of determining the reflection coefficients of electromagnetic waves from a radio-absorbing material consisting of a chiral metamaterial located on a conducting surface. The main objective of the work is to study the interaction of a plane electromagnetic wave with the specified layer of metamaterial located on a conducting plane, taking into account the inhomogeneity and dispersion of material parameters.

Pages: 45-50
For citation

Kuznetsov Ya.M., Panin D.N., Osipov O.V. Study of the reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a layer of chiral metamaterial located on a conducting plane, taking into account the inhomogeneity and dispersion of material parameters. Radiotekhnika. 2024.
V. 88. № 6. P. 45−50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202406-07 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 15.05.2024
Approved after review: 20.05.2024
Accepted for publication: 28.05.2024