I.S. Bagaev1, A.A. L’vov2, V.P. Meshchanov3, K.A. Sayapin4, M.A. Svetlov5, A.D. Khoroshenin6
1,2,6 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia)
2-4 Nika-Microwave, Ltd. (Saratov, Russia)
5 Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control of RAS (Saratov, Russia)
1 ig.bagaew@yandex.ru; 2 alvova@mail.ru; 3 nika373@bk.ru; 4 sayapin.k.a@mail.ru; 5 svetlovms@yandex.ru; 6 khoroshenin@saject.ru
In mobile reception, the reliability of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is limited due to time-varying channel characteristics. This causes inter-channel interference (ICI) and increases the errors in tracking data transmitted over the channel. In this work, ICIs are simulated based on the study of the amplitudes’ derivatives of the signals in the channel. This made it possible to design a relatively simple receiver circuit that iteratively canceles the ICI. The structure of the proposed device noise reduction is aimed at ensuring maximum signal/(noise+ICI) at the input of the detector. A new method for estimating channel parameters is also proposed and it is shown that it provides reliable mobile reception in important practical situations that occur during the organization of terrestrial digital broadcasting DVB-T2. A large number of model experiments for a receiver with one or two antennas show that a small number of successive iterations of ICI suppression and proposed channel parameter estimation provide reliable reception at vehicle speeds above 100 km/h.
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