Y.A. Grebenko1, R.I. Polyak2, Yan Lin Paing3
1-3 National Research University (NRU) “MPEI” (Moscow, Russia)
1 GrebenkoYA@mpei.ru; 2 poliakri@mpei.ru; 3 hlainff@gmail.com
The article is devoted to the development and implementation of algorithms for quadrature amplitude modulation and demodulation based on analog complex band pass filters with low-frequency Bessel prototypes. The use of complex Bessel filters makes it possible to obtain orthogonal carrier signals close in shape to symmetric signals with practically non-overlapping spectra.
Overview of the development and implementation of a serial QAM modem based on analog complex band-pass Bessel filters.
The procedure for obtaining the expression for the impulse response of analog complex band-pass Bessel filters is considered. With the help of circuit simulation, the frequency response and impulse response of such a filter are determined. The choice of the center frequency is carried out by setting two coefficients.
A block diagram of a serial data transmission system with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) based on analog complex band-pass Bessel filters is proposed. The results of its circuit simulation in the Micro-Cap environment are presented.
Grebenko Y.A., Polyak R.I., Yan Lin Paing. Serial analog QAM modems based on complex band-pass filters with LF Bessel prototypes. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 4. P. 136−143. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202405-16 (In Russian)
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