A.V. Ivashina1
1 Ministry of Defense (Moscow, Russia)
1 avi1000@yandex.ru
Global changes in the strategy and tactics of using precision weapons dictate the formation of new views on the issues of targeting. In order to ensure target designation with accuracy sufficient for the effective use of high-precision weapons, it is necessary to focus efforts on scientific research and the creation of key technologies for radio engineering monitoring of the Earth's surface. The article analyzes the features and directions of development of radio engineering monitoring of the Earth's surface, as well as formulate scientific directions in solving the problem of increasing their effectiveness in targeting high-precision weapons. The article discusses methodological approaches to solving issues of improving the effectiveness of radio engineering monitoring of the Earth's surface, provides an analysis, offers recommendations and identifies the directions of their development. The presented scientific and methodological approaches can be used as a basis for the development and application of effective means of radio engineering monitoring of the Earth's surface, as well as to substantiate the technical requirements imposed on them.
Ivashina A.V. Trends in the development of radio engineering monitoring of the Earth's surface. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 5.
P. 122−128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202405-14 (In Russian)
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