S.V. Haralgin1
1 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
1 post@cnirti.ru
Problem statement. Coherent interference generated from two or more points makes it possible to change the amplitude-phase distribution of the emitted wave. The effect of such interference on monopulse direction finders, which are widely used in weapon control radars, leads to abnormal coordinate determination errors. In some cases, combined jamming methods, the detection of such a jammer is a difficult task. The implementation of a set of measures to protect our own weapon control radars from electronic jamming is a critically important task. It is important to study the errors that occur and to form signs based on which it is possible to select sources of coherent interference.
Goal. Evaluation of errors occurring in a monopulse direction finding system and investigation of polarization difference arising from the formation of coherent interference.
Results. An assessment of the effect of coherent interference on the direction finding system has been carried out. Based on the calculation, a conclusion was made about the occurrence of an angular direction finding error, which in the range of 2-7 GHz exceeds the accuracy of modern radars. An electrodynamic simulation of the field in the far zone was carried out with radiation of the EA–18G Growler in the microwave CAD. The analysis of the influence of airframe elements on the distribution of the directional pattern is carried out. An assessment of polarization difference in the formation of coherent interference by AN/ALQ-99 aircraft stations has been carried out. It was concluded that there were significant differences in polarization characteristics within two beamwidths for AN/ALQ–99F jammers.
Practical significance. Electronic protection against coherent interference generated by an electronic warfare aircraft station is possible on the basis of polarization selection.
Haralgin S.V. Investigation of the polarization difference of the EM wave of an airborne EW system in the mode of coherent interference. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 5. P. 100−113. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202405-12 (In Russian)
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