D.V. Bokhovkin1, Yu.Yu. Korobkov2, O.A. Yangovatova4
1,2,4 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
3 FSUE “VNII” (Moscow, Russia)
1 bokhovkin@yandex.ru; 2 jura9891@gmail.com; 3 yangovatova@mail.ru
Problem statement. A modern active interference station (SAP) is built on the basis of digital radio frequency memory (RFR). The CRCP technology allows storing copies of radio frequency signals in digital form, as well as performing their digital processing in order to generate signals with modulation of various types [1]. This technology allows you to create a SAP with the possibility of generating simulated interference (or digital copies of the target). SAP based on this technology has one significant drawback, the band of instant signal processing is limited by the capabilities of an analog-to-digital converter and, in terms of use in electronic warfare equipment, in most cases, does not satisfy the condition - the processing band is equal to the range of input signals [2].
The elimination of this disadvantage is possible in several ways, by increasing the number of channels in proportion to the input signal band to the instantaneous RFP band, by expanding the signal processing band using processing in Nyquist zones. Both ways are not enough effect
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