A.O. Slavyansky1, V.A. Beskaravayny2, A.E. Latyshev3, P.N. Mironov4, P.N. Savchuk5, A.V. Grin6
1-4 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
5,6 “MIREA - Russian Technological University” (Moscow, Russia)
1-4 post@cnirti.ru; 5,6 mirea@mirea.ru
An important task requiring additional research is the analysis of algorithms for determining the carrier frequencies of broadband signals of various durations, allowing for a short pulse duration to reliably determine the parameters of the input signal with positive signal-to-noise ratios.
The search for optimal ways to determine the parameters of radio emission sources with minimal input data under operating conditions as part of on-board radio monitoring systems.
Methods for determining the frequency and phase characteristics of broadband and narrowband signals with a minimum signal duration (up to 1 microsecond) are presented. A modification of the guiding cosine algorithm has been developed to optimize the resources of the signal processing system. The proposed algorithms make it possible to reduce the amount of computing device resources used. The total computational complexity of the algorithms is relatively low, and the amount of memory used is acceptable for loading into computing nodes from on-board equipment.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the State assignment № 075-00701-24-07.
Slavyansky A.O., Beskaravayny V.A., Latyshev A.E., Mironov P.N., Savchuk P.N., Grin A.V. Determination of parameters of radio emission sources. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 5. P. 49−54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202405-05 (In Russian)
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