D.S. Manegin1, V.D. Sokolov2, S.O. Shilov3, E.V. Vorobev4, O.P. Plotnikova5, S.G. Ivakhnenko6
1-6 SEC «Ion Plasma Technologies», BMSTU (Moscow, Russia)
1 manegin@bmstu.ru; 2 sokolovvd@bmstu.ru; 3 s.shilov@bmstu.ru; 4 evv@bmstu.ru; 5 plotnikova@bmstu.ru; 6 ivakhnenko@bmstu.ru
Gridless or End-Hall ion sources are widespread in the processes of thin-film technology as means of ion cleaning, sputtering and assisting. In world practice, two different design schemes of such sources are used: in one scheme, the rear wall of the discharge chamber is under floating potential, in the other – under anode potential. At the same time, a detailed comparison of the operation features and the achieved parameters, such as ion current value and its angular distribution, were not previously carried out for these schemes. Thus, the main purpose of this work was identification of the operation features of End-Hall ion sources made according to two different design schemes.
Studies of End-Hall ion sources beams were carried out by the Faraday flat probe with a guard ring. The probe was mounted on the rotating support with the rotation center on the outlet section of the ion source. Also, using a Faraday probe with the collector turned parallel to the beam, the angular distribution of the current of thermal (also named “slow”) ions was obtained.
Ion sources of three sizes with maximum discharge currents 5 A, 10 A and 15 A were made according to the design schemes with floating and with the anode potential of the discharge chamber rear wall, altogether six devices. The working gas for tests was argon. The angular distributions of the ion current on the probe were obtained with various values of the discharge current, the magnetic flux density and the working gas flow. A comparison of the results was carried out for both studied structural schemes of End-Hall ion sources.
During the research, it was found that on average the ion current values for the End-Hall ion sources with the anode potential of the discharge chamber rear wall are significantly lower than for the sources with a floating rear wall, with comparable operating parameters. At the same time, with a decrease in the working gas flow rate, an increase in the magnetic flux density and an increase in the discharge current, it is possible to achieve comparable voltages and ion currents. It has practical importance, since it allows to reduce the working gas consumption and the load on the pumping system.
This work was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in subsidy from the state task No. 075-03-2023-095/8 dated August 10, 2023.
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