E.V. Kuzmin1
1 Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
1 ekuzmin@sfu-kras.ru
Formulation of the problem. Binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) spread spectrum signals, including their traditional and modern modifications – based on meander modulation of generating pseudorandom sequence chips (BOC-signals) – are widely used in the practice of information-measuring systems. While having clear potential advantages in the target quality indicator (signals time delay estimation accuracy), modern spread spectrum BOC-signals are not free from a number of disadvantages, the main ones being the multi-peak nature of the autocorrelation function and the increased level of spectral side lobes. Eliminating these shortcomings, while maintaining time delay estimation accuracy that is better than traditional BPSK-signals, is of both scientific and practical interest.
Target. Present a new format of spread spectrum signals generated by a pseudorandom video signals based on up-chips – elementary pulses in the form of a finite atomic function up(t ) instead of traditional rectangular and modern meander chips, quantify the properties and advantages of up-chips, and also give an example of a new spread spectrum up-binary phase shift keyed signal (BPSK-up), witch is the successful “inheritance” of the beneficial properties from the up-chip.
Results. Based on a up(t ) finite atomic function, a pseudorandom up-video signal is constructed, formed by alternating partial up-chips, which is the basis for the synthesis of new spread spectrum signals. The properties of the up-chip were studied and a comparative analysis was carried out with a rectangular chip and a meander chip. The significant advantages of the up-chip are shown, namely: the shorter length of the base of the autocorrelation function and, importantly, its single-peak nature; record low level of spectrum side lobes (among those considered); leading indicators of the energy distribution coefficient in the spectrum; increased potential for latency estimation accuracy (compared to using a rectangular chip). Using a constructed pseudorandom up-video signal, a new spread spectrum BPSK-up-signal (BPSK-up) is proposed. Its temporal implementation, autocorrelation function and spectrum are presented – the successful “inheritance” of the listed beneficial properties from the generating up-chip and demonstrated.
Practical significance. The pseudorandom up-video signal and the new spread spectrum BPSK-up-signal generated. They has advantageous in spectral domain and in correlation properties. Also, they are provide a number of advantages over traditional and modern modifications of spread spectrum signals, and allow to recommend them for practical use in information-measurement systems, and also in radio electronic systems where the compactness of the autocorrelation function and its single-peak nature, as well as the low level of side lobes of the spectrum, are simultaneously important.
Kuzmin E.V. New spread spectrum signals based on up(t) atomic function. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 4. P. 102−111.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202404-10 (In Russian)
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