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Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
New spread spectrum signals based on up(t) atomic function
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202404-10
UDC: 621.396

E.V. Kuzmin1

1 Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

1 ekuzmin@sfu-kras.ru


Formulation of the problem. Binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) spread spectrum signals, including their traditional and modern modifications – based on meander modulation of generating pseudorandom sequence chips (BOC-signals) – are widely used in the practice of information-measuring systems. While having clear potential advantages in the target quality indicator (signals time delay estimation accuracy), modern spread spectrum BOC-signals are not free from a number of disadvantages, the main ones being the multi-peak nature of the autocorrelation function and the increased level of spectral side lobes. Eliminating these shortcomings, while maintaining time delay estimation accuracy that is better than traditional BPSK-signals, is of both scientific and practical interest.

Target. Present a new format of spread spectrum signals generated by a pseudorandom video signals based on up-chips – elementary pulses in the form of a finite atomic function up() instead of traditional rectangular and modern meander chips, quantify the properties and advantages of up-chips, and also give an example of a new spread spectrum up-binary phase shift keyed signal (BPSK-up), witch is the successful “inheritance” of the beneficial properties from the up-chip.

Results. Based on a up() finite atomic function, a pseudorandom up-video signal is constructed, formed by alternating partial up-chips, which is the basis for the synthesis of new spread spectrum signals. The properties of the up-chip were studied and a comparative analysis was carried out with a rectangular chip and a meander chip. The significant advantages of the up-chip are shown, namely: the shorter length of the base of the autocorrelation function and, importantly, its single-peak nature; record low level of spectrum side lobes (among those considered); leading indicators of the energy distribution coefficient in the spectrum; increased potential for latency estimation accuracy (compared to using a rectangular chip). Using a constructed pseudorandom up-video signal, a new spread spectrum BPSK-up-signal (BPSK-up) is proposed. Its temporal implementation, autocorrelation function and spectrum are presented – the successful “inheritance” of the listed beneficial properties from the generating up-chip and demonstrated.

Practical significance. The pseudorandom up-video signal and the new spread spectrum BPSK-up-signal generated. They has advantageous in spectral domain and in correlation properties. Also, they are provide a number of advantages over traditional and modern modifications of spread spectrum signals, and allow to recommend them for practical use in information-measurement systems, and also in radio electronic systems where the compactness of the autocorrelation function and its single-peak nature, as well as the low level of side lobes of the spectrum, are simultaneously important.

Pages: 102-111
For citation

Kuzmin E.V. New spread spectrum signals based on up(t) atomic function. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 4. P. 102−111.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202404-10 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 20.12.2023
Approved after review: 17.01.2024
Accepted for publication: 29.03.2024