Nguyen Ha Nam1, A.A. Sochava2, K.V. Greshnevikov3, S.V. Bogachev4, A.S. Cherepanov5, D.V. Dikiy6
1-6 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 nguyenhanama1@gmail.com; 2 sochava@spbstu.ru; 3 greshnev_kv@spbstu.ru; 4 bogachev_sv@spbstu.ru; 5 cherepanov@spbstu.ru; 6 dikij_dv@spbstu.ru
The task of designing electrically commutated slot antenna systems requires a more detailed approach to determine the parameters of the loaded slot. To accurately calculate the amplitude and phase distribution of radiation of an electrically commutated slot system, it is necessary to model the parameters of each element. Calculation of radiation parameters of a longitudinal slot in a wide wall of a metallic waveguide with consideration of additional concentrated elements used in an electrically controlled waveguide phase shifter. Based on the results of numerical modeling, a comparative analysis of the characteristics between an open slot and a slot bridged by a pin-diode or a MEMS switch is performed, and the equivalent parameters of the switching elements are taken into account. The presented results can be used for the creation of electrically controlled waveguide-slot phase shifters and slot antennas
Nguyen Ha Nam, Sochava A.A., Greshnevikov K.V., Bogachev S.V., Cherepanov A.S., Dikiy D.V. Optimization of a waveguide-slot phase shifter controlled by a system of p-i-n-diodes or MEMS switches // Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 3. P. 127−137. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202403-12 (In Russian)
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