S.S. Zwierzynski, E.I. Dukhan, M.A. Mironov
The article develops an approach to rational video monitoring construction of spatially distributed objects territories.
Target. Justification for choice optimal distance between ground technical observation posts (TOP) based on electro-optical surveillance equipment in the visible and thermal imaging ranges.
Results. The developed model makes it possible to determine maximum distance between adjacent TOPs, ensuring guaranteed surface targets detection and recognition in standard conditions.
Practical significance. The optimal distance between TOPs ensures not only guaranteed quality of monitoring of territory boundaries, but also minimum linear cost of the security line.
Zwierzynski S.S., Dukhan E.I., Mironov M.A. Choosing optimal distance between ground-based technical observation posts. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 2. P. 31−38. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202402-05 (In Russian)
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