V.P. Meschanov1, A.A. L’vov2, B.M. Kats3, P.A. L’vov4, K.A. Sayapin5, V.M. Doroshenko6
1,3-5 NIKA-Microwave, Ltd. (Saratov, Russia)
2,6 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia)
1,3 nika373@bk.ru; 2 alvova@mail.ru; 4 peter.lvov@gmail.com; 5 sayapin.k.a.@mail.ru; 6 dorvalentina9@gmail.com
Objectives. The actual technical implementation problem of broadband reflectometers based on multi-probe transmission lines (MTL) is investigated.
Methods. The analysis of optimal methods for processing output digital signals from quadric detectors of MTL probes is performed. Methods for increasing the accuracy of measurements using this reflectometer in narrow and wide frequency ranges based on the optimal choice of a limited number of probes arrangement along the line path are proposed.
Main results. Reflectometer designs with a limited number of probes (no more than 8) are obtained, allowing measurements with potentially achievable accuracy in a frequency range of up to 6 octaves. The created experimental samples of narrowband and wideband automatic network analyzers based on MTL are described and their accuracy characteristics are demonstrated, which confirmed the theoretical conclusions.
Conclusion. Conclusions that show areas of application of the developed broadband high-precision microwave analyzer based on multi-probe measuring line was formulated.
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