V.P. Fedosov1, R.R. Ibadov2, S.R. Ibadov3
1,3 Institute for Radiotechnical Systems and Control, Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
2 Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
1 vpfed@mail.ru; 2 ragim_ibadov@mail.ru; 3 sibadov@sfedu.ru
Problem Statement. With the advent and ever-growing development of wireless communications, the demand for high-speed, reliable and energy-efficient wireless data transmission methods has become an urgent need in our increasingly interconnected world. One of the most promising technologies to meet this need is a combination of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. However, as with any technology, these systems face challenges. One of the significant obstacles to their effective implementation is the presence of active interference and structural distortions in image transmission. This paper is devoted to solving this problem, focusing on improving the adaptive image transmission algorithm in the MIMO-OFDM system under such adverse conditions.
Objective. Improving the efficiency of a wireless data transmission system in an environment with multiple reflections and active interference by reducing the probability of a bit error based on the development and research of spatio-temporal methods of signal processing and the development of an adaptive algorithm.
Results. The main features of image transmission via MIMO-OFDM communication systems are considered. The main characteristics of such communication systems are given, the structural diagram of the transceiver part, models of interference that occur in the communication system, the structure of pilot signals for channel estimation and the algorithm of operation of such a communication system are considered. The adaptive algorithm for processing spatio-temporal signals in the MIMO-OFDM communication system is considered and improved. The MIMO-OFDM system is simulated, and an in-house model of a simulator of such a communication system is developed, experiments are conducted to study the influence of spatial correlations between antennas on the operation of such a system, the gain from using the adaptive algorithm for processing spatio-temporal signals is shown and substantiated, which demonstrates its applied value.
Practical significance. The proposed modification of the adaptive algorithm showed a stable improvement in terms of the quality of transmitted images under conditions of active interference and structural distortions. This makes the practical application of the adaptive algorithm useful, for example, in the situation of transmitting images from a UAV under conditions of a complex interference-signal environment and is capable of significantly improving the quality of transmitted images.
Fedosov V.P., Ibadov R.R., Ibadov S.R. Algorithm for image transmission in the MIMO-OFDM system in the presence of active interference and structural distortions. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 11. P. 117−129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-2024-15 (In Russian)
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