T.Yu. Privalova1
1 Southern federal university (Rostov on Don, Russia)
1 tatyana.privalova@gmail.com
The problem of synthesizing an anisotropic reactance structure for special cases is solved. The laws of reactance distribution and their orientation are obtained in explicit form in the approximation of physical optics. The accuracy of the obtained formulas is verified by rigorously solving the problems of analysis using the integral equation method. The results of numerical calculations for various special cases are presented, showing good agreement between the calculated relationships and numerical results in the sectors of the specified main lobes.
Privalova T.Yu. Results of synthesis of anisotropic reactance structure using a given multilabel scattering diagram. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 11. P. 96−104. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202411-13 (In Russian)
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