M.S. Litvinov1, A.N. Zikiy2, A.I. Dyomochkin3
1−3 JSC "Taganrog Research Institute of Communications" (Taganrog, Russia)
1litvinovm@inbox.ru, 2zikiy50@mail.ru, 3andrei2458andrei@gmail.com
The development of wideband radio receivers is an important technical task, and its solution is being addressed by numerous enterprises and researchers. Among the well-known enterprises-developers of professional radio-receiving devices it is necessary to mention ANII "Vector" (St. Petersburg), JSC SPE "Istok" (Fryazino), JSC "Salyut" (Nizhny Novgorod), Rostov Research Institute of Radio Communications, Voronezh Research Institute of Radio Communications, "Scard-Elektronics" (Kursk), Omsk NIIP.
There are even more manufacturers of broadband radio receiving devices abroad, but it is not appropriate to list them here.
Modeling and experimental study of a preselector for a multichannel receiver is carried out. The functional scheme of the preselector, the circuit diagram of one channel out of four, the model of this filter in the program CST Studio Suite and the amplitude-frequency characteristics are given. The structural scheme of the experiment and amplitude-frequency characteristics in the near and far zones are presented. The achievement of the following parameters is shown: Bandwidth from 3.5 to 4.0 GHz; Bandstop from 4.5 to 18.0 GHz; Transmission coefficient greater than 10 dB in the passband; Gain at frequencies 3f0 and 5f0 not less than 60 dB; Wave impedance of 50 ohms.
The studied preselector has a wide frequency and dynamic range, high selectivity, so it allows to realize a modern receiver. The basis of the preselector consists of four bandpass filters on counter rods, on the air-strip transmission line. Each of the filters contains 11 resonators. To suppress false pass-bands, the preselector contains a low-pass filter on microstrip transmission lines. To obtain the required transmission coefficient, the preselector contains an amplifier, and to reduce the diversity of channels - a corrector of the amplitude-frequency response.
Litvinov M.S., Zikiy A.N., Dyomochkin A.I. Switched preselector of a multichannel receiver. Radioengineering. 2024. V. 88. № 11. P. 49−54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202411-08 (in Russian)
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