T.R. Salahov1, V.V. Chernyak2
1, 2 JSC "KRET" (Moscow, Russia)
1 t.salahov@mail.ru, 2 mchernak.com@inbox.ru
The modern stage of world aviation development is characterized by the creation of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of various functional purposes, their massive use and rapid improvement with continuous expansion of their nomenclature and methods of application. The rapid development of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems is due to their potential merits and advantages, primarily in terms of efficiency and cost, both in comparison with manned aircraft systems and other types of weapons and military equipment. Combat application of UAVs in the course of local wars and armed conflicts and its development trends show that the leading and determining role in the effective use of modern and advanced UAVs is played by radio-electronic systems that ensure the solution of the following tasks: communication, navigation, reconnaissance, guidance and control of onboard weapons. A malfunction of onboard radio-electronic systems significantly reduces the effectiveness of their use. Given this, a significant contribution to improving the effectiveness of the fight against UAVs can be achieved by utilizing the capabilities of electronic warfare (EW). The main peculiarities of technical development of UAVs are constant improvement of their tactical and technical characteristics and interference resistance to the impact of electronic warfare (EW), developed according to simplified schematic solutions. The aim of work to evaluate the main methods of electronic countermeasures of FPV-type UAV control and data transmission radio receivers. The main methods of countermeasures against FPV-type UAVs for protection of personnel and vulnerable elements of critical infrastructure of industrial facilities were evaluated. The article contains theoretical calculations and recommendations on the composition and requirements for modern UAV countermeasures.
Salahov T.R., Chernyak V.V. Assessment of potential electronic warfare capabilities to suppress FPV-type UAV radio control and data transmission receivers. Radioengineering. 2024. V. 88. № 11. P. 28−36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202411-05 (in Russian)
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