V.A. Khodunov1, S.S. Kulikov2, A.A. Bashketov3, D.A. Orlov4, V.N. Prosetsky5
1-3 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
4 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)
5 m/u 85907, ICRC (Arkhangelsk Region, Russia)
1 hodunov_valentin@mail.ru; 2 s1y6@mail.ru; 3 Alexandr000006@yandex.ru; 4 dpd1735@mail.ru
Problem statement. The article presents the material on the development of compact antenna devices designed to receive GLONASS signals in the frequency ranges L1 and L2. The basic requirements for the design and characteristics of compact antenna devices designed to receive GLONASS signals are described. Aspects of the fundamentals of the design of a compact 25x25x7.5 mm dual-frequency three-layer patch antenna, where the third layer (bottom board) is a power amplifier, which has not been used before, are discussed. Simulation results of the developed compact antenna device are presented and recommendations for the power amplifier are given.
Objective. To develop a compact dual-frequency patch antenna with circular polarization, providing a high level of reception of GLONASS signals in the frequency bands L1 and L2, which includes a power amplifier.
Results. On the basis of methods of electrodynamic modeling, computational methods of technical electrodynamics, methods of full-scale experimental measurements of antenna characteristics and methods of computer processing of data of full-scale experimental measurements, a compact antenna device with circular polarization is developed, providing reception of GLONASS signals in frequency ranges L1 and L2. The developed compact antenna device is made on the basis of a three-layer patch antenna, having one common point of voltage supply and located in a dielectric case on a metal base, where each layer is a printed circuit board. The upper printed circuit board provides reception of GLONASS signals in frequency ranges L2, the middle board provides reception of GLONASS signals in frequency ranges L1, the lower board - power amplifier significantly increases the gain in radiation of the compact antenna device. The use of this development for the reception of GLONASS signals in the frequency ranges L1 and L2, including as part of the antenna array, will provide significantly more space for placement of payloads, due to its small mass and dimensions.
Practical significance consists in providing a high level of reception of signals of the network radio navigation satellite system GLONASS in frequency ranges L1 and L2, designed for global operational navigation of ground mobile objects. The developed compact antenna device with circular polarization and antenna arrays based on it can be used for electronic warfare and can also be used for civilian purposes.
Khodunov V.A., Kulikov S.S., Bashketov A.A., Orlov D.A., Prosetsky V.N. Compact antenna device for receiving glonas signals
in frequency ranges L1 and L2. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 10. P. 118−126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202410-13 (In Russian)
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