I.E. Byaloshitsky1
1 JSC “VKO “Concern Almaz-Antey” (Moscow, Russia)
1 nio2ntcvko@almaz-antey.ru
In modern military conflicts, unmanned aerial vehicles flying at low and extremely low altitudes are massively used to solve various tasks (reconnaissance, strikes on special and military equipment of the enemy, places where personnel gather, etc.). At these altitude ranges, signals (interfering reflections) formed by reflections of radio waves from the earth's surface, trees, clouds, birds, etc. create significant difficulties for detecting aircraft.
Doppler radars make it possible to exclude interfering reflections from processing and successfully detect aircraft flying at low and extremely low altitudes. However, the specifics of radar signal processing in Doppler radars can lead to disruption or inability to track targets with low radial velocity relative to the radar.
The article considers the features of the construction of the Doppler radar air target tracking zone, taking into account the trajectories of aircraft movement, as well as the influence of active noise interference on the configuration of the tracking zone. To visualize the radar tracking zones, a program for performing engineering and scientific calculations Mathcad was used.
Byaloshitsky I.E. Construction of a Doppler radar target tracking zone in conditions of active noise interference. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 10. P. 101−109. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202410-11 (In Russian)
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