A.V. Volkov1, A.V. Krykov2, N.A. Minin3
1-3 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
2 minyyc@yandex.ru
The main aspects of the design of radio-transparent shelters have considered, taking into account the provision of the required strength, mass-centering radio engineering characteristics, as well as the temperature of the environment inside the radome at all stages of product operation. The use of new structural and functional composite materials in modern technology makes it possible not only to reduce the total weight of the structure by 30 – 35%, but also to significantly increase the reliability of operation compared to materials based on epoxy binders. It is promising to use heat-resistant thermosetting binders and materials based on them for the manufacture of friction units that require lubrication and as high-temperature thermal insulation of critical elements of aerospace engineering.
Analytical dependences make it possible to select a preliminary RPR design and, at the initial design stage, assign a minimum wall thickness. However, further solution of the complex problem of ensuring the shape, stability and strength using the simulation of the stress-strain state of radio-transparent composite structures is advisable to carry out by the finite element method.
The disadvantages of fiberglass include the fragility of the fibers, low density and a tendency to shrink. In this regard, the analysis of materials for the manufacture of fairings for the protection of electronic equipment have currently being carried out and the technique used to analyze the possibility of using fiberglass fairings can be applied to various composite materials.
Volkov A.V., Krykov A.V., Minin N.A. Design of radio-transparent shelters using an optimized mathematical apparatus for analytical strength calculations. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 10. P. 73−80. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202410-07 (In Russian)
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