E.V. Glushak1, D.S. Klyuev2
1,2 Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara, Russia)
1 evglushak@yandex.ru; 2 klyuevd@yandex.ru
Problem statement. The development of mobile communication networks does not stop for a minute, new standards and various new technologies are emerging. The opportunities provided by mobile technologies have long gone beyond voice services. The sharp growth of Internet traffic in networks around the world is explained by the widespread use of devices connected to mobile networks. With the development of mobile networks, new and diverse requirements are being imposed on them. Technology development is aimed at increasing productivity and expanding opportunities. Therefore, it becomes necessary to study the influence of the characteristics of additional parameters (delays, station loads) on the quality of data packet processing in order to optimize the operation of 5G networks and ensure more efficient use of resources. Many scientists who conducted research on 5G networks using modeling did not take into account various variants of queue processing algorithms, did not consider how the values of data transmission delays and the number of lost packets would change with an increase or decrease in the number of base stations, models consisting of several base stations were not considered. Based on this, we will conclude that it is advisable to develop a 5G network model, with the help of which various studies can be carried out, which will take into account the above parameters.
The goal is to investigate the resource model of data transmission in 5G networks, to analyze the operation of the 5G network model in the AnyLogic environment.
Results. During the study of traffic maintenance in the 5G network, the optimal system parameters were determined, allowing the most efficient use of network resources. It turned out that the use of methods of dynamic resource allocation and automatic change of base station parameters reduces the load on the network and increases its performance. The developed model allows us to assess the reliability of the system and its ability to process user requests, because the probability of losing an application or non-fulfillment of an application is high, this can lead to user dissatisfaction and a decrease in the quality of service.
Practical significance. The developed model can be used in practice to study and evaluate the parameters of the 5G network, as well as to analyze various characteristics that affect the quality of the network in order to improve it. This can help telecom operators optimize their networks and ensure more efficient use of resources.
Glushak E.V., Klyuev D.S. 5G network model development in AnyLogic environment. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 1. P. 121−129. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202401-11 (In Russian)
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