A.A. Korobkov1, I.A. Safiullin2, I.P. Ashaev3, A.K. Gaysin4, A.F. Nadeev5
1-5 Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. A.N. Tupolev – KAI (Kazan, Russia)
1 aakorobkov@kai.ru; 2 iasafiullin@kai.ru; 3 ipashaev@kai.ru; 4 akgaysin@kai.ru; 5 afnadeev@kai.ru
The performance of modern heterogeneous Radio Access Networks (RANs) can be improved by introducing new methods and algorithms for network resource management. In particular, user mobility information can be used to control RAN resources. To determine user mobility, information about the variation of the Signal to Interference + Noise Ratio (SINR) between base stations and users can be collected and analyzed. These data are multi-linear and can be represented as tensors to extract information from them. However, for the tensors decomposition, it is necessary to know the order of the multi-linear model or the rank of the tensors.
Inspired by the LaRGE (LineAr Regression of Global Eigenvalues) method, we propose a novel method for the model order estimation of the multi-linear data based on the analysis of the Complimented Global Eigenvalues (CGE) profile. We have denoted our method as Enhanced LaRGE (EnLaRGE). We have compared the EnLaRGE method with the classical methods AIC, MDL and their multi-linear versions, as well as with the M-EFT and N-D EFT methods. EnLaRGE shows good performance for the tensors with small one of the tensors dimensions.
EnLaRGE method is implemented for the automatic model order estimation of multi-linear data received from the Network Simulator 3 with RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC). The results show the high precision of the multi-linear model order estimation in comparison with state-of-the-art methods. The estimated model order can be used for user mobility classification and improving heterogeneous RANs performance.
This research was funded by Russian Science Foundation, grant number 23-69-10084, 318, https://rscf.ru/project/23-69-10084/
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