V.F. Dmitrikov1, D.V. Shushpanov2
1,2 Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1 Dmitrikov_VF@mail.ru, 2 dimasf@inbox.ru
The wire, as a separate element, is practically never sanctified in the literature. There is no radio-electronic device without a wire. It is the frequency characteristics of the wire impedance that limit the frequency characteristics of the inductor impedance, i.e. limit the frequency range of the radio interference filter. Therefore, it is important to understand the physics of the processes occurring in the wire. In addition, it is important to understand how the wire “parasitic” parameters affect the other elements “parasitic” parameters. An explanation for the presence of capacitance in a wire equivalent circuit through the skin effect phenomenon is proposed in this article. The using of the concept of capacitively coupled circuits as a dual analogue of inductively coupled circuits is proposed. It is shown that the duality of inductively coupled circuits and capacitively coupled circuits is possible only due to the duality of the alternating vortex magnetic field and the alternating vortex electric field. The viability of using the concept of capacitively coupled circuits is shown using the example of the measured impedance of two wires in various variants of parallel connection.
Dmitrikov V.F., Shushpanov D.V. On the issue of capacitively coupled circuits using to explain the mutual influence of wires. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 1. P. 15−30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202401-03 (In Russian)
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