V.M. Artyushenko1, V.I. Volovach2
1 Technological University n.a. twice Hero of the Soviet Union pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonov (Korolev, Russia)
2 Volga State University of Service (Togliatti, Russia)
Modern short-range wireless devices are widely used for data transmission and / or control actions in various radio engineering and information-measuring networks. Such a device in the process of use is in the conditions of a potential violation of the permissible type, which limits the possibilities of their application.
The aim of the work is to evaluate the Gaussian noise, harmonic type noise and combined noise on short-range wireless devices using pseudo-random frequency conversion and frequency ripple.
An estimate of the influence of various types of noise on the named wireless devices is obtained, as well as the dependence of the average error probability on the signal-to-noise and signal-to-interference ratios. It is shown that devices in which the frequency span between channels is continuously changing have the highest noise immunity, and this is also typical for devices with the highest signal-to-noise ratio. The increase in the noise immunity of devices increases with the size of the signal alphabet. It is shown that the noise immunity of the device when exposed to combined noise, which is a superposition of noise and a harmonic signal, differs little when exposed to one of the named noises. It is noted that the use of binary block codes increases the noise immunity of the device.
In the course of the work, practically significant results were obtained, which make it possible to evaluate the noise immunity of these devices for various values of the signal-to-noise and signal-to- interference ratios, as well as the size of the signal alphabet.
The results obtained can be used in the construction and analysis of wireless devices operating in the unlicensed bands below 1 GHz.
Artyushenko V.M., Volovach V.I. The evaluation of the influence of Gaussian noise, harmonic type noise and combined noise to
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