Ya. A. Bolychev1, N.E. Samoilenko2, N.V. Tsipina3, I.A. Turetsky4
1-4 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)
Setting the problem. Analysis and assessment of the thermal mode of radioelectronic equipment (RES) in modern radioelectronic equipment is the most important task that is solved at the stage of design and development of the future device. Therefore, the choice of cooling system for heat-loaded structures is an integral component that must be solved in the early stages of design. The use of a modern set of computer-aided design tools (CAD) throughout the entire process of creating RES allows you to take into account all possible problem areas without resorting to the manufacture of a layout and prototype.
Modeling of thermal characteristics and heat exchange processes provides for modeling procedures and ensuring the thermal regime mainly at the stage of design and topological design. At the same time, the analysis of thermal characteristics, as a rule, carried out after solving any design synthesis problem (placement, layout, selection and development of block structures, racks, etc.), if the modeling results are unsatisfactory, the design changes. Thus, in order to reduce time costs and reduce the iteration of the design process, it is necessary to solve the issues of ensuring the thermal regime in the early stages. Most often, the problem can be solved by increasing the area of the heat-emitting surface (radiator), but in some cases there is a need for additional cooling, in our case, additional use of liquid cooling.
This is the reason for the relevance of the development of the methodology for modeling radiators of liquid cooling systems of the RES.
Purpose. Present the methodology for simulating radiators of liquid cooling systems of the RES, the reliability of which could be confirmed by the results of analytical calculations and data of a full-scale experiment.
Results. A mathematical statement has been formed, a modeling technique has been proposed and procedures for optimizing the cooling system have been implemented. Based on the developed 3D model of a radiator with a liquid cooling system, multivariable analysis procedures are implemented using modern computer-aided design tools. The liquid cooling system was optimized using modern software modeling tools, in particular the Solidworks Simulation program.
Bolychev Ya.A., Samoilenko N.E., Tsipina N.V., Turetsky I.A. Procedure for simulating radiators of liquid cooling systems of avionics. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 8. P. 78−82. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202308-12 (In Russian)
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