I.S. Bobylkin1, A.S. Samodurov2, A.V. Ivanov3, A.A. Kuzyomkin4, D.A. Yampolsky5
1-5 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)
Problem statement. The principle of operation of dynamic selective positioning in fifth generation (5G) networks is especially relevant in the “vehicle connected to everything” (V2X) technology used in the automotive communication system, which includes types of communication that occur between one “vehicle” object and objects such as "infrastructure", "network", "pedestrian" or "device". To achieve high accuracy in V2X services, it is necessary to provide stable and uninterrupted connection, coverage with a minimum number of available communication points and wide bandwidth. Lack of line of sight is one of the major challenges in achieving accurate positioning in many locations, such as urban environments, tunnels, and underground parking lots. Today, the development of potential solutions to provide new users of the V2X service with high positioning accuracy is an urgent task for promising versions of the 5th generation mobile communication technology, which is being formed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) consortium.
Target. Introduce a new selective positioning method based on the dispersion of adjacent signal arrival times for dynamic switching between RAT-dependent methods and GNSS positioning methods.
Results. Promising solutions have been explored to provide NR V2X users with long-term and highly accurate positioning. A selective positioning method is shown to dynamically switch between GNSS and DL-TDOA measurements based on the location of V2X users and improve the accuracy of the collected measurements using a MAP-based criterion to evaluate performance gains by combining measurements from different technologies in services. NR V2X. The proposed hybrid methods were evaluated using system-level simulations, the results of which demonstrated that the proposed algorithms can achieve position errors ≤ 3 m with an availability of approximately 76% compared to the 51 and 58% availability obtained using only GNSS measurements. or DL-TDOA, respectively. It is shown that in order to improve the tail of the distribution of user positioning errors by more than 56%, it is necessary to apply the deployment of roadside communication units.
Practical significance. The implementation of the selective positioning method based on the dispersion of adjacent times of signal arrivals makes it possible to improve the accuracy of determining the location of a moving object in networks built on the basis of V2X technology. Thus, the developed solution helps to ensure stable data transmission with minimal interference due to dynamic switching between different detection methods.
Bobylkin I.S., Samodurov A.S., Ivanov A.V., Kuzyomkin A.A., Yampolsky D.A. Implementation of dynamic selective location in new radio communication services of the 5th generation based on the «vehicle connected to everything» technology. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 8.
P. 67−77. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202308-11 (In Russian)
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