A.S. Kostyukov1
1 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)
Formulation of the problem. This article proposes a method for determining reliability factors based on statistical algorithms using a sample of initial data. The author proposes to take as a basis the method of presenting a statistical series, which is the most common method for determining the operability of an electronic device currently used in industrial production, and to make a number of changes to it. In particular, it is proposed to include in the calculation such parameters as: distribution range, distribution skewness, kurtosis of a random variable, as well as to determine the probability density with the subsequent construction of a random variable distribution curve, which can be used to estimate the probability of an electronic device failure. Carrying out control calculations showed that the accuracy of determining the reliability parameters increased by 5% in comparison with the reference values. These results confirm the correctness of the proposed method, it is expected that the developed new method for determining reliability will open up new opportunities for testing electronic equipment.
Target. It is reasonable to show that the developed new method for determining the reliability of an electronic means allows you to calculate the most accurate reliability indicators that are closest to the reference values.
Results. Three types of devices were chosen as test specimens for control tests, namely MOSFET transistors, integrated circuits of the KR series, and microcontrollers of the AtMega family. This choice is due to the desire to work out the methodology on as many different types of devices as possible in order to understand how the reliability indicators will be determined depending on the device under study. Also, for the presented types of devices, it is easy to find design documentation in the public domain and, accordingly, compare the obtained indicators with the reference values. As a result of the research, it was found that the probability of failure of an electronic device is on average 0.05 for a sample of MOSFET transistors, 0.15 for integrated circuits of the KR series, and 0.1 for microcontrollers of the AtMega family. The presented values differ slightly from the reference values, which indicates the high accuracy of the readings developed.
Practical significance. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that the developed method for determining the reliability coefficients is workable and can be used in industrial enterprises for testing electronic equipment.
Kostyukov A.S. Method for determining quality parameters of electronic tools. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 8. P. 49−53.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202308-08 (In Russian)
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