V.V. Kiryushkin1, S.I. Babusenko2, A.V. Zhuravlev3, V.A. Shuvaev4
1-4 JSC RIE “PROTEK” (Voronezh, Russia)
Problem statement. In multi-position radar systems (MPRS) built into a spatially distributed system of radio interference, a total-range or difference-range method of positioning is used to determine the coordinates of an air target. For their implementation, it is necessary that, at the stage of primary processing in the MPRS, the target response be detected in at least two or three bistatic links "transmitter-target-receiver". Under conditions of low power radio links "transmitter-receiver" and the use of small airborne targets with a small effective scattering surface, it is more likely that the target will be detected in only one channel, for which the total range "transmitter - target - receiver" will be minimal. In this case, the determination of the target coordinates using the total-range or difference-range methods of positioning becomes impossible.
Purpose. To develop a method for determining the coordinates of the target in the MPRS, built into a spatially distributed system of radio interference, based on the analysis of the response received in a single bi-static link "transmitter - target - receiver".
Results. A method for determining the coordinates of the target based on the analysis of the response recorded in the only bistatic link "transmitter - target - receiver" in the MPRS, the receiving position of which is equipped with an antenna array, is proposed. The developed method provides a target positioning accuracy of 30-50 m with a total range of the bistatic link "transmitter - target - receiver" of 15-20 km and a bearing error of no more than 1 °.
Practical significance. The use in the developed method of the phase distribution on the elements of the antenna array, obtained after the correlation processing of the phase-coded keyed signal reflected from the target, provides separate observation at the receiving position of the responses received from illumination signals from transmitters with different codes. This makes it possible to implement, on the basis of this method, a cellular MPRL with transmitters at the nodes of the cell and a receiving position in its center.
Kiryushkin V.V., Babusenko S.I., Zhuravlev A.V., Shuvaev V.A. Goniometric-elliptical multi-position radar system built into spatially distributed radio interference system. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 7. P. 14−22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202307-02 (In Russian)
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