M.L. Artemov1, O.V. Afanasev2, M.P. Slichenko3, E.S. Artemova4
1-4 JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez, Russia)
Formulation of the problem. For multi-position radio monitoring systems, one of the primary tasks is the joint processing of the results of direction finding of radio emission sources. In a multi-purpose environment, the possibility of false identification of bearings and coordinates of radio emission sources increases. This determines the need to use reliable methods for identifying the results of direction finding and determining the coordinates of radio emission sources, based on taking into account the statistical characteristics of measurement errors of these parameters.
Targets. Obtain an analytical expression of the correlation matrix of estimates of the coordinates of radio emission sources based on the results of multiple direction finding of the source by an aircraft radio-monitoring tool. Show the increase in the reliability of identifying the elliptical confidence region of the coordinate estimate when approximating the angular sector of the direction finding errors by an elliptical (not circular) confidence region.
Findings. An analytical expression is obtained for the correlation matrix of estimates of the coordinates of radio emission sources, which has the form of an elliptical confidence region, based on the results of multiple direction finding of group sources of radio emission by an air radio reconnaissance device, taking into account the change in the parameters of the elliptical confidence region when the position of the aircraft in space changes.
Practical significance. The implementation of this algorithm makes it possible to increase the reliability of identifying the bearing and ellipse, taking into account the orientation and size of the latter in a multi-purpose dynamically changing environment, and thereby
Artemov M.L., Afanasev O.V., Slichenko M.P., Artemova E.S. Fusion the results of direction finding and determining the coordinates
of the source of radio emission. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 5. P. 166−171. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202305-17 (In Russian)
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