I.V. Denisov, Y.A. Larin, D.N. Piskun, A.V. Kiper
This article analyzes components of experimental setup for study of fiber-optical distributed sensitive element. Such element are built on the basis of fiber-optical phase-amplitude filters fiber low-mode fiber light guides. The experimental setup scheme is presented. The requirements for the electrical and fiber-optical components of the experimental installation are substantiated. The features, principle of operation and requirements for each from other parts of such filters are considered. The calculation of the resulting optical radiation power for distributed sensitive element based on two-mode light guides is given. Fiches for use of fiber-optical phase-amplitude filters for distributed sensitive element as part of the distributed fiber-optical measuring network fiber-optical phase-amplitude filters are shown. It is proved that the most critical element of the optimal configuration of such distributed sensitive element is the laser diode. The most appropriate combinations of fiber-optical phase-amplitude filters types for construction of distributed sensitive element are considered. The purpose of this work is the presented optimal configuration of the fiber-optical distributed sensitive element. Selection of optimal parameters of the components of sensing element based on the fiber-optical phase-amplitude filter for solving of the spatially distributed physical fields justification monitoring problem.
Denisov I.V., Larin Y.A., Piskun D.N., Kiper A.V. Justification of the optimal configuration of fiber-optic phase-amplitude distributed sensitive element. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 2. P. 53−59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202302-08 (In Russian)
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