L.I. Dvoiris, I.N. Kryukov
Problem statement. There are a number of subject areas where a remote controlled object designed to extract information from the environment functions under conditions of restrictions on energy consumption, computing resource, memory capacity, etc. Often a channel with a low bandwidth is used for data transmission, interference of various nature can also affect. The remote object exchanges data with the central controller, including broadcasting a "raw" signal to the data collection point. The central controller makes a decision on the detection or recognition of some event or phenomenon with a certain reliability, which places high demands on the quality of signals received from the object. To increase the reliability of detection and recognition, it is necessary to improve the quality of the data transmission channel and the redundancy of the transmitted signal, which is not always possible. An alternative may be new methods of signal compression.
Goal. Substantiation of the possibility of using compression of signals transmitted over communication channels in conditions of restrictions on power consumption, computing and other resources to improve the quality of the restored signals.
Results. The mathematical apparatus of signal compression is given, two methods of compression and subsequent recovery from a model signal are tested.
Practical significance. The practical feasibility of the proposed approach of compressing signals with a high degree of compression for subsequent transmission over “narrow” communication channels is shown, which ultimately makes it possible to provide the required detection and recognition indicators.
Dvoiris L.I., Kryukov I.N. Formation and restoration of sparse signals for the purpose of their compression. Radiotekhnika. 2023.
V. 87. № 2. P. 11−17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202302-02 (In Russian)
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