E.Yu. Korovin1, B.Z. Garmaev2, A.V. Bazarov3, А.S. Bazarova4, E.B. Atutov5
1–5 Institute of Physical Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (IPMS SB RAS) (Ulan-Ude, Russia)
1 korovin_ey@mail.tsu.ru, 2 bair.garmaev@gmail.com, 3 alebazaro@gmail.com, 4arunabas@mail.ru, 5evgeniy_atutov@mail.ru
A huge amount of work has been devoted to the development of methods for determining the complex dielectric constant of substances, and from all this diversity it is impossible to single out a universal method suitable for a wide range of frequencies and all states of matter. Previously, the authors proposed a non-contact method for determining the dielectric constant of liquids in the Ka range from the dependence of the reflection coefficient on the thickness of the probed liquid layer. In the specified range, the proposed method is not inferior in accuracy to determining the desired value to radio spectroscopes from Keysight Technologies and Rodhe & Shwarz. Using transformer oil as a liquid with minimal absorption as an example, the error in determining the real part of the complex dielectric constant was assessed.
The presented work provides an assessment of the methodological error in determining the imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant for weakly absorbing liquids. The limits of applicability of the developed methodology are shown.
The developed method has a number of advantages. One of which is that during measurements, antenna-feeder devices do not come into contact with the medium under test and cannot be damaged due to any chemical reactions. In this regard, the method can be used for chemically active media and over a wide temperature range. The method has significant speed; its use does not require long-term calibrations. In addition, a scalar spectrum analyzer or a standard SWR meter is sufficient for measurements. The most suitable application of the proposed development is the use in the oil and gas industry as moisture meters of petroleum fluids.
Korovin E.Yu., Garmaev B.Z., Bazarov A.V., Bazarova А.S., Atutov E.B. Estimation of the error in determining the imaginary part
of the complex dielectric constant of weakly absorbing liquids using the interference method in the Ka-range. Radiotekhnika. 2023.
V. 87. № 12. P. 129−136. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202312-14 (In Russian)
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