M.T. Nguyen1, A.F. Alhaj Hasan2, T.R. Gazizov3
1-3 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Tomsk, Russia)
1 nguyen.t.2213-2022@e.tusur.ru; 2 alhaj.hasan.adnan@tu.tusur.ru; 3 talgat@tu.tusur.ru
In the development of antenna technologies, there is a critical need to achieve a compromise between size, weight, and the desired characteristics of antennas. The desire to create a final product with small dimensions and low weight can lead to a reduction in antenna performance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop approaches and technologies that will allow for a balance between size, weight, and antenna characteristics. At the same time, the costs associated with antenna modeling during the design phase play an important role. Optimizing the antenna modeling process is essential to reduce the time and resources required for modeling. The development of more efficient and accurate modeling approaches can significantly reduce costs and enhance the efficiency of antenna design. Thus, the development of compromise solutions that consider the size, weight, and characteristics of antennas, as well as the search for effective modeling approaches, play a crucial role in the future development of antenna technologies. This work focuses on one such approach known as wire grid approximation. It utilizes an optimal current grid and a its proposed modification. However, it is necessary to verify the modified approach. The main goal of this paper is to verify the modified approach on the example of a horn antenna. The results of applying the modified approach were compared with measurements and calculations obtained from other approaches, showing good agreement. The modified approach demonstrated its ability to create sparse antenna structures that can be manufactured without technical difficulties and with a mass reduction of 1.64 times compared to the original structure. The obtained sparse structure can be used instead of the original one for more efficient modeling, requiring less computational resources (2.69 times less memory and 4.41 times less time). Additionally, it was found that the structure generated by the modified approach exhibits lower sidelobe levels compared to the conventional approach (reduced by 1.92 dB in the H-plane and 0.93 dB in the E-plane). The verified modified approach can be applied in various fields, simplifying the process of antenna modeling and design. The sparse antenna structure obtained using this approach can be implemented in production with significant mass reduction and without technical complexities. Such improvements can find applications in various fields, including telecommunications, radio engineering, and wireless networks.
This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation project FEWM-2023-0014.
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