V.V. Kamenskiy1, S.V. Sokolov2
1 Rostov State University of Railway Engineering (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
2 Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (Moscow, Russia)
1 kam-vladislav@yandex.ru; 2 s.v.s.888@yandex.ru
Modern electronic information processing devices have reached the limit of increasing computing power by increasing the operating frequency. Therefore, at present, the development of computing devices is, as a rule, based on parallel computing. Code converters are an integral part of any parallel computing devices (and not only).
To date, the problem of constructing code converters operating at high frequencies – up to and including the gigahertz range, has not been solved. In this regard, an extremely urgent task is to develop code converters capable of converting in the gigahertz range of input signals and above – up to the terahertz range, i.e. at a speed practically commensurate with the potential for optical information processing devices.
The result of the work are functional schemes and principles of operation of both an optoelectronic code converter built using optical waveguides and optocouplers, and a purely optical one that does not contain electronics elements - based on a spatial phase filter. The proposed code converters convert an M-bit unitary binary code into a standard N-bit binary code.
A feature of the input unitary binary code used in the construction of the proposed code converters is its sparsity. In essence, the information in the input code is transmitted not by a set of zeros and ones, but by the position of the combination {0,1}.
The speed of the first code converter considered – optoelectronic, practically does not depend on the speed of optical splitters and unifiers, and in general is determined only by the response time of the optocouplers. In turn, the speed of the optocouplers is determined by the response time of the photodiodes and LEDs and is 10-9-10-10 s, which makes it possible to process information with the proposed converter in the gigahertz range.
The second code converter considered is an optical one, being somewhat more complicated in technological design, nevertheless, it does not have electronic components and has an even higher speed compared to an optoelectronic converter (response time 10-12 s), expanding the speed of information processing to the terahertz range.
The simplicity of the proposed optoelectronic and optical code converters and their high performance provide ample opportunities for their practical use in the development and creation of interfaces and arithmetic-logic devices for both optical computers and advanced receiving and transmitting devices of infocommunications and management.
Kamenskiy V.V., Sokolov S.V. Synthesis of code converters based on optical technologies. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 11.
P. 202−209. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-25 (In Russian)
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