R.M. Vasilev1, I.V. Sidyakin2, E.V. Zemtsova3
1–3 Federal State Budgetary Institution "Main Scientific Metrological Center"
of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Mytishchi, Russia)
1-3 32gnii@mil.ru
Problem statement. Problem statement. The main means of metrological support of geodetic survey sets are reference spatial polygons of the 2nd category or reference linear bases of the 2nd category with a length of 3 to 30 km. In practice, the implementation of these methods is difficult, especially in winter. The methodology proposed in [6] of the verification of geodetic NAP with the use of a measuring installation – a precision signal simulator multifunctional K2-99, allows you to reduce the time of verification. However, in order to implement this technique, it is necessary to determine the difference in the phases of high-frequency signals generated by the GNSS.
Goal. Development of the calibration method of the GNSS GLONASS of GPS signal simulator in the formation of scenarios for multi-element objects, based of the determination of phase differences of RF signals generated by the GNSS signal simulator using the phase shift angle comparator of the automated KUFSA-1 at an intermediate frequency.
Results. Studies have been carried out, a connection has been established between the formed error in the length of the baseline line of the K2-99 signal simulator and the phase difference of two RF signals formed by it, a method for calibrating the signal simulator in terms of determining the phase difference of two RF signals using the phase shift angle comparator of the automated KUFSA-1 at an intermediate frequency with two implementation schemes has been proposed.
Practical significance. The obtained results allow using the phase shift angle comparator of the automated KUFSA-1 at an intermediate frequency with the required error to calibrate the signal simulator with the traceability of measurements to the State primary special standard of the phase shift angle.
Vasiliev R.M., Sidyakin I.V., Zemtsova E.V. Method of calibration of the signal simulator of global navigation satellite systems GLONASS and GPS in the formation of scenarios for multi-element objects. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 11. P. 145−151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-20 (In Russian)
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