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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Ionosphere error exclusion from pseudorange estimations when using multifrequency measurements in satellite navigation apparatus
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-18
UDC: 629.058

A.I. Perov1

1 National Research University “MPEI” (Moscow, Russia)

1 alexp@aha.ru


Problem definition. On decision of navigation definition task in satellite navigation apparatus it is necessary to exclude different errors of navigation pseudorange measurements. One of this errors is ionosphere error. Usually to exclude this error there used estimations of pseudoranges for two signals radiated on tow different frequencies. At the same time modern receivers process a lot of signals on different frequencies. Evident that exclusion of ionosphere error can be carried out using all received signals. But on the one hand there is no necessary processing algorithms and on the other hand there is no estimations of the efficacy of such multifrequency processing.

Objective. The aim is synthesis of the optimal algorithm of multifrequency pseudorange measurements processing, that excludes an ionosphere error, and estimation of its efficacy.

Pages: 130-135
For citation

Perov A.I. Ionosphere error exclusion from pseudorange estimations when using multifrequency measurements in satellite navigation apparatus. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 11. P. 130−135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-18 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 25.09.2023
Approved after review: 28.09.2023
Accepted for publication: 30.10.2023