N.М. Ivanov1
1 JSC «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute «Gradient» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
1 qkivanov@list.ru
In a number of applications, for example, in coherent passive location, there is a task of detection and direction finding of multiple signals which are formed from the signal of a single source (illumination source) in the process of dispersion on stationary objects (interfering signals) and mobile air and ground targets (useful signals). It is natural to use adaptive processing methods in antenna arrays to select these signals from the receiving mixture. But classic adaptive processing methods do not always provide a high enough output signal/noise relation, because they are basically focused on individual signal processing.
In the refereed article an additive model of source signal complex with different delays or discrete spectra is taken as a basis. The method of individual formation of adaptive coefficients for each signal vectors is separately considered. This method is extended to an arbitrary set of signals by forming a matrix of adaptive coefficients which is used to collectively estimate the entire set of signals simultaneously. Such processing eliminates the parasitic contribution to the estimation of a given signal of all other signals. Thus, collective adaptive processing provides an increase in the output signal/noise relation.
The article provides the modeling results demonstrating the proposed approach effectiveness. For an antenna array containing 16 circularly arranged antenna elements, the collective processing increases the output signal/noise relation compared to the input one by 2 dB, which is close to the theoretical limit.
The offered method may be applied in passive radio-technical systems for signals selection of different intensity which are dispersed by small-sized targets.
Ivanov N.М. Adaptive processing of signals set from a single source. Radioengineering. 2023. V. 87. № 11. P. 18−24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-04 (in Russian)
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