A.G. Gudkov1, V.G. Tikhomirov2, S.V. Chizhikov3
1,3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
2 St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 profgudkov@gmail.com; 2 vv11111@yandex.ru; 3 chigikov95@mail.ru
Currently, there is a growing interest in medical practice in such a method of diagnostic human internal organs as microwave radiothermometry. However, a number of strict requirements are imposed on the parameters of radiometric receivers, which are the main elements of a radiothermograph, including the amplification path.
The problem lies in the fact that the amplifying path of the radiothermograph consumes, with transistors available on the market, an unacceptably large amount of energy, which leads to an increase in heat generation and, as a result, to the introduction of additional errors in measurements. Therefore, in order to increase the reliability of the radiothermograph, it is necessary to develop a basic transistor for MIC amplifier with reduced power consumption.
Using numerical modeling methods, the parameters of an energy-efficient transistor on the proposed heterostructure were researched. As a result of optimizing the transistor design based on the presented strict requirements for the parameters, a calculated steepness characteristic was obtained, clearly showing the increased amplifying properties of the proposed transistor in the low-current region, which directly leads to the possibility of a significant reduction in current consumption of the entire chip.
A significant increase in transconductance of the proposed transistor design indicates the possibility of using this promising element base as part of microwave radiometers, which will allow combining the principles of multi-channel, multi-frequency and miniaturization in one radiometric complex and will lead to an expansion of its functionality and a significant reduction in size.
The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian science Foundation in the framework of agreement No. 19-19-00349-П in the theme: “A method and a multichannel multifrequency microwave radiothermography on the basis of monolithic integrated circuits for finding the 3D distribution and dynamics of brightness temperature in the depths of the human body”.
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