V.I. Stepanov1, A.A. Metel2, A.S. Salnikov3, D.V. Bilevich4, I.M. Dobush5, A.A. Kalentyev6, A.Е. Goryainov7
1-7 “50ohm Lab” TUSUR (Tomsk, Russia)
1 vladislav.stepanov@50ohm.tech; 2 aleksandr.metel@50ohm.tech; 3 andrei.salnikov@main.tusur.ru; 4 dmitrii.v.bilevich@tusur.ru; 5 igor.dobush@main.tusur.ru; 6 aleksei.a.kalentev@tusur.ru; 7 aleksandr.goryainov@50ohm.tech
Problem statement. Electromagnetic (EM) simulation is one of the main steps in the microwave monolithic integrated circuits design process. However, this approach is not used for structural and parametric synthesis. This is due to the time-consuming computation, which depends on many parameters of the simulated device. This problem applies to devices such as antennas, inductors, and transformers. Using compact models is the one of the ways to solve the time-consuming problem. However, in many cases, the analytical calculation of circuit elements in compact models is not possible due to the large number of elements, leading to a complex extraction technique. Moreover, depending on the process of the device, it is necessary to use different compact models, and for antennas, they do not exist. Using the surrogate model can be an alternative way to solve this problem. A surrogate model is a model that is comparable in accuracy to EM simulation but with lower computational time. Surrogate models can be building for any device and do not depend on their process, making this approach universal, unlike compact models. Therefore, the use of surrogate models is the most promising approach, and the development of a methodology for constructing surrogate models is an actual task.
Purpose. To research surrogate modeling conditions and methods of the integrated balun, to suggest a surrogate modeling technique and synthesize integrated balun with specified requirements by suggested technique.
Results. An investigation of approaches to building surrogate models was carried out. A universal technique for building a surrogate model was developed using space mapping and Kriging interpolation technique. Using the built surrogate model, the synthesis of an integrated balun was performed based on a commercial 0.25 μm GaAs pHEMT process.
Practical significance. The developed technique allows us to build surrogate models for various microwave devices that require time consuming EM modeling. The obtained by suggested technique surrogate models can be used for parametric synthesis.
Stepanov V.I., Metel A.A., Salnikov A.S., Bilevich D.V., Dobush I.M., Kalentyev A.A., Goryainov A.Е. A research of integrated balun surrogate model accuracy dependence on modeling conditions and techniques. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 10. P. 107−121.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202310-12 (In Russian)
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