A.G. Azizov1, B.V. Khlopov2, N.P. Kolesnikov3
1-3 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
1-3 post@cnirti.ru
Formulation of the problem. At present, in the field of radio electronics, an intense antagonistic struggle is constantly taking place for the creation of concealed RES with reduced radar visibility in conditions of radio-electronic suppression. In this regard, in developed industrial countries, approaches are intensively developed and improved based on the theoretical possibility of creating in the aperture of any antenna compensating for useful information by an interference electromagnetic field. Therefore, there was an urgent need for a logical and methodological procedure for estimating the local characteristics of the radar visibility of objects and identifying critically important optimal and effective distinctive properties, connections, as well as assigns and indicators that characterize innovations.
Goal. Identification of critical properties reducing radar visibility transceiver systems operating in the dynamic space of the EMF in the direction of the ELINT system, flying around the radar and receiving emission signals from any point in space.
Results. An approach has been developed to assess the local characteristics of the radar visibility of objects and a model of a monopulse radar has been proposed using technological, circuitry and design properties that make it possible to reduce radar visibility and design promising radars, EMF operating in the dynamic space in the direction of the ELINT system.
Practical significance. The application of the developed approach to the design of RES allows us to increase efficiency in terms of simulating interference that reduces the visibility of the radar when operating in "direct mode".
Azizov A.G., Khlopov B.V., Kolesnikov N.P. Reducing the radar visibility of the receiving-transmitting system operating in the direction of the ELINT system, flying around the radar. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 10. P. 87−95. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202310-10 (In Russian)
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