D.V. Tsaregorodtsev1, R.S. Kulikov2, V.D. Semenov3, T.A. Brovko4
1,2,4 National Research University “MPEI” (Moscow, Russia)
1 Evocargo LLC (Moscow, Russia)
3 Yandex Self-Driving Group LLC (Moscow, Russia)
Rapid development of the local navigation field, coupled with increasing attention to the tasks of personnel monitoring in order to collect statistics, ensure authorized access to premises and control their safety, as well as navigation of service and industrial robot. In addition, the task of high-precision positioning of human body parts for the fields of medicine, sports, cinema, virtual reality and personnel safety control in areas with increased health risk becomes urgent. A relatively large number of technologies have become widely used to solve these problems: LIDAR, ultrasonic sensors, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, ultra-wideband (UWB) radio systems, inertial navigation systems, odometers, etc. Such a wide range of used technologies is due to significantly different requirements for ensuring navigation accuracy, resolution, solution rate, the size of the working areas of local navigation systems and other work features. At the same time, despite such a large number of technologies used, there is no single solution capable of meeting all the outgoing needs of consumers. This makes the task of improving current solutions and finding new ones relevant. A distinctive feature of the use of ultra-wideband radio signals for local navigation tasks are ultrashort pulse signals, which eliminates the significant influence of reflection during multipath propagation of the signal. However, this technology has a number of disadvantages, one of which is the occurrence of a delay in signal propagation through the antenna-feeder path of the device. This paper describes a method for calibrating antenna delays in ultra-wideband radio sensors. The experimental result of the proposed method and its effect on the coordinates estimation in local navigation systems based on such radio sensors are described.
Tsaregorodtsev D.V., Kulikov R.S., Semenov V.D., Brovko T.A. Calibration of antenna delays in UWB indoor navigation systems.
Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 9. P. 51−56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202209-06 (In Russian)
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