V.P. Smirnov
In the theory of impedances matching, it could not find a formulation for criterion of the occurrence of the maximum possible (complete) loads matching and for an assessment of the quality of loads matching in the filter band-pass. In this regard, it is advisable to classify the states of the loads matching in the band-pass of polynomial Butterworth and Chebyshev filters. It was proposed, based on peculiarities of shape of the transducer power gain GT(ω) frequency response, to name the state of a complete matching of loads as «matching on-maximum» and also to perform an estimation of a quality of matching through of an average value of this function in the band-pass. The same features of this function make it possible to calling the states of the «matching on-maximum» (MOM) at the band-pass points as «matching on-points» (MOP). As a result of studying the conditions for an occurrence of «matching on-points» of loads in some filters, represented by the parameters in standard prototype tables, inaccuracies were found, for which were given an explanations of their origin and elimination. Little-known parametric conditions for the occurrence of the MOP, are described for polynomial band-passed filter circuits that are performed on the basis of LC resonant sections (RS) and also of the non-resonant sections (NRS), low-frequency type LC and high-frequency type CL. The accumulated experience confirms the practical value of the proposed concepts and definitions when analysing the process and assessing the quality of loads matching in the band-passed filter-transformers.
Smirnov V.P. Criteria and quality assessment of the matching of loads in the band-pass of polynomial LC-filter. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 8. P. 147−156. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202208-15
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