Y.A. Kostychov1, S.V. Krivaltsevich2, K.A. Maynenger3, A.V. Bokov4
1-3 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics) (Omsk, Russia)
4 Omsk State Technical University (Omsk, Russia)
Aperiodic antennas with terminal resistive loads are characterized by wideband matching, simple design, high efficiency in the operating frequency band, where the radiator length is comparable to or much longer than the operating wavelength. A significant disadvantage of this type of antenna is reduced efficiency in the low-frequency band, where the length of the radiator is less than the operating wavelength, due to the fact that most of the radio signal energy is dissipated in the loads. The latter also complicates the use of aperiodic antennas with terminal resistive loads in transmitting mode, since it requires the organization of heat removal from the loads. Known methods for improving the efficiency of aperiodic antennas with terminations and reducing their power load significantly increase the overall dimensions of the antennas, complicate the design and provide an uneven increase in efficiency, and in some parts of the low-frequency band it is completely absent.
The aim of the article is formulation and approbation of a method for improving the efficiency of aperiodic antennas with terminal resistive loads while maintaining broadband, installation and overall dimensions, simplicity of design and ensuring a high level of power supplied to the antenna.
A method for increasing the efficiency of aperiodic antennas made with the replacement of terminal resistive loads with secondary ground antenna elements is proposed and substantiated. A distinctive feature of the method is the introduction of a phase corrector into the design of the emitter. A comparative analysis of the gain of an aperiodic antenna built according to the proposed method and the original one is presented. The results of calculations, electrodynamic modeling and experimental studies are presented.
The presented method for improving the efficiency of aperiodic antennas terminal resistive loads can be applied both in the design and for reconstruction and modernization (without changing the installation dimensions) of antennas of radio centers.
Kostychov Y.A., Krivaltsevich S.V., Maynenger K.A., Bokov A.V. Increasing the efficiency of aperiodic antennas by improving their design by secondary surface antenna elements and phase correctors. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 8. P. 113−121.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202208-12 (In Russian)
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