O.Yu. Makarov1, A.A. Pirogov2, Yu.A. Pirogova3, A.N. Emelyanov4, D.A. Donskov5
1-5 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)
Formulation of the problem. This paper presents the use of LUT (Look-Up Table) cells to create a special converter control logic. LUT is a method of implementing a function in which direct calculation is replaced by a lookup in a table of ready-made solutions. Microcontrollers with the ability to configure hardware logic have recently become used in devices, they are rarely used to replace external control logic for a pulse converter, such as PWM (pulse width modulation) controllers. The classic way to build pulse converters using microprocessor systems is to use digital communication circuits, where the signal is processed by the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit), which writes values to the hardware timer of the microcontroller. The downside of this approach is the lack of loop speed. Sampling an analog signal using an ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and its subsequent processing (using digital controllers) can take a long time, which introduces a phase delay and reduces the stability of the system as a whole. This can be critical for high-speed systems.
Target. Improving the efficiency of pulse converters built using microprocessor systems with hardware control logic in their architecture. Development of a logic configuration program to increase the speed of the control loop, implement peak current control.
Results. The classical approach of digital control of a pulse converter is considered, the impossibility of its use for high-speed systems is substantiated. The settings of the hardware logic of a microcontroller with LUT cells are considered, a program for the layout of the hardware control logic of a flyback pulse converter is written, a simulation of the converter circuit is carried out, and the operability of the model is proved.
Practical significance. The results of the work can later be used as a control circuit for high-speed pulse converters.
Makarov O.Yu., Pirogov A.A., Pirogova Yu.A., Emelyanov A.N., Donskov D.A. Using the LUT cells of the microcontroller to create
the hardware logic for control of the pulsed converter. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 7. P. 33−38.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202207-06 (In Russian)
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