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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of detecting an intruder by radio-technical means of protection
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202207-01
UDC: 681.786

A.B. Antilikatorov1, S.P. Alekseenko2, Yu.S. Balashov3, I.V. Metelsky4

1,3,4 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)

2 Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Voronezh, Russia)


Problem statement. At the output of the elementary photodetector of the thermal imaging system, an electrical voltage is generated, which is an additive mixture of the signal component caused by the received thermal radiation and the noise component with a standard deviation. An urgent task when using thermal imaging systems is to determine the minimum allowable signal-to-noise ratio in an image element, which for such systems is determined by frequency.

Purpose. To analyze the factors affecting the SNR and present a mathematical model of the processes of detecting shield using thermal imaging systems.

Results. The mathematical relations given in the article are the initial data for modeling detection processes in accordance with the optimal algorithm for detecting undefined objects (targets) on an uncorrected background.

Practical significance. In the proposed methodology, the initial data for modeling detection processes in accordance with the detection algorithm revealed the importance of such a parameter as temperature to ensure the correctness and relevance of measurements. As a result, expressions are obtained for evaluating the effectiveness of the system as a whole.

Pages: 5-9
For citation

Antilikatorov A.B., Alekseenko S.P., Balashov Yu.S., Metelsky I.V. Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of detecting an intruder by radio-technical means of protection. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 7. P. 5−9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202207-01 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 16.05.2022
Approved after review: 23.05.2022
Accepted for publication: 28.06.2022