V.P. Krylov
AO “ONPP “Technology” named after A.G. Romashina” (Obninsk, Russia)
Statement of a problem. The behavior of the reflected wave in the field of zero effects is of interest to development of methods of measurement of dielectric properties of materials in free space at ultrahigh frequencies and for creation of broadband radars.
Purpose. Definition of conditions of emergence of areas of zero effects for the reflected wave. A research of mutual situation on a frequency axis and an angular axis of a minimum of amplitude and jump of a phase of zero effects for the reflected wave. Results. Results of settlement and experimental ratios between frequency and angular provisions of a minimum of amplitude and jump of a phase on 180° in the field of zero effects of abnormal behavior of the wave reflected from a dielectric plate are presented in article. As earlier this question was not considered in detail, in work model calculations of parameters of the reflected wave in the field of zero effects for the description of abnormal behavior of amplitude and a phase are given in several cases important for assessment of their applicability in the taking the bearings systems and in methods of definition of complex dielectric permeability.
Practical importance. The technique of definition of dielectric properties of material at observation of electrodynamic parameters of the reflected wave is offered. The reasons of discrepancy of provisions on a frequency axis of a minimum of amplitude and jump of a phase in zero area in relation to radar systems are established.
Krylov V.P. Research of the reflected wave from the dielectric plate in the field of zero effects. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 6. P. 131−140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202206-16 (In Russian)
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