A.L. Buzov1, M.A. Minkin2, I.M. Naryshkin3, A.I. Obshitikov4
1-4 JSC “SIP RS” (Samara, Russia)
The article is devoted to the use of ring and spiral-ring antenna arrays that implement the circuit-spatial addition of incoherent signals when working on diagram-forming circuits that form various options for amplitude-phase distributions.
The radiation characteristics of annular and spiral-annular antenna arrays are calculated for various excitation options.
A comparative analysis of the obtained results was carried out. The degree of improvement in the radiation characteristics in the case of using the spiral-ring antenna arrays as a radiating structure in comparison with the ring antenna arrays is shown.
Buzov A.L., Minkin M.A., Naryshkin I.M., Obshitikov A.I. Ring and spiral-ring antenna arrays of multichannel radio centers with modal and quasi-in-phase excitation. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 6. P. 54−60. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202206-08 (In Russian)
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