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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Improving the accuracy and reliability of the correction information of the ground-based GNSS functional supplement
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202205-14
UDC: 629.7.05

A.R. Bestugin1, I.A. Kirshina2, O.I. Sauta3, K.B. Amelin4

1-4 Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)


Formulation of the problem. Solving the problems of high-precision navigation and landing of both piloted aircraft (AC) solution is the use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). However, in order to increase the accuracy and reliability of navigation definitions using GNSS, especially when landing UAS, it is necessary to use local control and correction stations of the ground-based GNSS functional complement (LAAS/GBAS). This is especially true when flying in regions with a complex electro-magnetic environment and a large number of reflective surfaces, which is typical for large industrial centers or regions with a complex (mountainous) terrain of the surrounding area. The development of methods and algorithms for estimating the errors of measurement errors of pseudo-distances formed on the LCCS/GBAS and caused by the effects of multipath mirror and diffuse re-reflections, as well as radio technical noise of the receiver, makes it possible to improve the accuracy and reliability of navigation determinations on board the aircraft (BAS). However, there is currently no corresponding algorithmic and methodological apparatus that allows solving this problem in practice.

Target. To develop a method for estimating the measurement errors of pseudo-distances formed in ground-based GNSS functional complement systems due to the effects of multipath mirror and diffuse re-reflection during the propagation of radio signals from navigation spacecraft, as well as radio technical receiver noise, and to propose an algorithm for quality control of the ground-based functional complement station in the presence of radio interference effects.

Results. Analytical methods and algorithms for estimating the errors of pseudo-distance measurement errors on LAAS /GBAS are proposed, the use of which in the formation of the coordinates of the aircraft (UAS) in the onboard GNSS receiver in differential mode increases the accuracy and reliability of navigation definitions.

Practical significance. The regulatory documents for the algorithmic provision of LAAS/GBAS contain requirements for the development of the methods and algorithms presented in the work, but they themselves are not given. The use of the developed methods and algorithms makes it possible to fully realize the potential possibilities of increasing the accuracy and reliability of navigation definitions in a complex electromagnetic environment and the presence of GNSS signal re-reflections in the area of the control station. The software implementation of the presented algorithms does not require significant computing resources.

Pages: 111-120
For citation

Bestugin A.R., Kirshina I.A., Sauta O.I., Amelin K.B. Improving the accuracy and reliability of the correction information of the ground-based GNSS functional supplement. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 5. P. 111−120. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202205-14 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 05.04.2022
Approved after review: 20.04.2021
Accepted for publication: 11.05.2022